Meet The Characters

  • Enara GoldThorn

    The eldest daughter of Queen Elena and first in line to succeed the throne of Auratus… until her younger sister is chosen as queen instead. Now her jealously is leading her down a dark path that can only end in blood.

  • Rose GoldThorn

    The chosen Queen of Auratus and mage… until her sisters vengeful plot. Now she must navigate the Northlands beyond the Frozen Sea and heed the call of the Mother Goddess.

  • Olivia

    Once a bard and mercenary in the city of Ignis, now her only mission is that of vengeance. The darkness beckons to her, and her path now can only lead to death.

  • Nava

    A half-elven archer used to wandering the woodlands alone now finds herself in the presence of a human. Her only goal is to get to the capital to find something that was lost to her, before it is too late.

  • Jared

    Once an orphaned child, now Jared is the apprentice of a blacksmith… or was. When the Dark Kingdom attacks Ignis he is once again alone, and must request help from an unlikely person, and find his lost love.

  • Talia Farvell

    Princess of Yaleria and heir to the throne after her brothers demise, she must navigate the court of vultures and prove she is fit to lead a nation.

  • Princess Laerdya

    Princess Laerdya was taken from her home in Avlor and placed in Nevrak, the homeland of the cursed elves. Now, she rules as their Queen beside the evil King.